Why Market Prices

The reporting of livestock market sales prices for cattle, sheep and pigs support the agricultural industry to make informed decisions, improve & monitor performance, stay ahead of the competition and identify new market opportunities, whilst informing industry research and development to enable sector growth.

About Us

Who is the LAA?

The LAA is the national trade organisation for livestock markets in England and Wales. The LAA exists to ensure the success and longevity of the live auction ring as a method of sale.

The LAA provides specialist representation for livestock markets and auctioneers in England and Wales, supports best practise and compliance within the industry, invests in training and development to support the future of auctioneers and livestock markets and provides livestock market sales prices to support industry benchmarking, research, and development.

How are Market Prices produced?

Market Prices are collated from LAA member livestock markets in England and Wales to provide a comprehensive insight, representative of current market trends.

These prices are formed through a live competitive auction system with multiple buyers and sellers ensuring a fair and true price.

To ensure transparency and accuracy, an independent processor collates and processes the data on behalf of the LAA, with regular audit systems in place.

The LAA provides market prices for the benefit of the LAA membership, customers of LAA member markets and the wider agricultural industry.

The Livestock Auctioneers Association Limited (LAA) and its membership retain the rights to ownership of LAA Market Prices. Permission for use of LAA Market Prices is outlined within our terms and conditions.

Videos & Media

Introducing Market Prices

Introducing LAA Market Prices


Discussing Market Prices

Market Prices Panel Discussion

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