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market prices and support
you deserve.

Videos & Media

Introducing LAA Market Prices
Dashboard Upgrade
Market Prices Panel Discussion

Unlocking success through calculated choices.

Make informed decisions

Know when to buy and sell livestock, based on real time trade updates and market trends to reduce risks and avoid pitfalls.

Improve & monitor performance

Monitor performance against national trends and up-to-date market information to boost returns and maximise profits.

Stay ahead of the competition

Be the first to know of changes to market trends and respond accordingly.

Identify new opportunities

Seek out new opportunities by understanding your market and consumer demands.

  • Trade Updates
    Providing real time trade updates and market insights for sheep, cattle and pigs across England & Wales
  • Supporting Businesses
    Providing vital information and invaluable insights to support businesses in powerful decision making.
  • Informing Industry Research
    Providing detailed data sets to inform industry research and analysis to bolster the agricultural industry.